Three Central Tips for Inspecting Your Height Safety Equipment

Posted on: 27 October 2020

There is significant risk associated with working at height in construction, industrial and commercial sites. If there are no safety measures in place, slips and falls from elevated platforms could lead to serious injuries and even fatalities. Therefore, if you are running an at-height operation, you must acquire appropriate safety equipment for fall protection.

In addition, you must ensure that the equipment is always in a good state for optimal performance. Under normal circumstances, it is advisable to engage an accredited specialist to assess your setup. However, you can also check up on the protection elements in-house for potential problems. Here are some basic tips to help you inspect your height safety equipment.

Check Setup Requirements

It is important to check the setup of your height safety equipment. If the protection system is not properly installed, the function will be limited, and this could lead to unfavourable occurrences in case of an accident. In general, you should check the owner's manual and ensure that the equipment has been placed according to the manufacturer's instructions. If there are anomalies in the setup, halt the use of the system and consult a technician for re-installation.

Consider the Environment

The surroundings of your height safety equipment could affect the performance of the unit. Subsequently, this could compromise the level of protection offered. Therefore, you should conduct regular checks on the environment around the equipment. For instance, the system must be easily accessible by the users. It should not be difficult for the workers to reach the different elements of the safety setup. Also, you should ensure that there are no hazards around the equipment. Hazards which could contribute to falls, slips and other mishaps must be eliminated. For example, there should be no potholes around the safety system.

Inspect for General Damage

You should check the at-height safety equipment for damage. If the components of your protection system are not in a good state, the risk of system failure will be high. Consequently, the user will be in danger in case of a fall from their elevated workspace. The signs of damage to your equipment will depend on the specific unit. However, there are common issues that indicate degradation, such as the corrosion of metal components, the fraying of cables and weakened joints. Additionally, you must be keen on assessing attachments points of the safety equipment because these can deteriorate over time.

If your height safety equipment is damaged or otherwise compromised, you should plan for immediate repair or replacement to prevent workplace accidents and injuries. 

To learn more, get a height safety equipment inspection.


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