The Three Essential Safety Tips Every Rigger Should Know

Posted on: 6 May 2020

Carrying heavy loads from one level to the next is one of the most delicate jobs in warehousing and cargo handling. It needs a lot of preparation, skill and adherence to safety guidelines. If a rigger makes a small mistake in the process, it compromises their safety and that of everyone on the cargo handling site. Before you hire someone to handle your cargo for you, it is advisable to ensure they understand the importance of safety. Here are the three essential safety tips that every rigger needs to know about. 

Determining the Weight of the Load

The most important element of dealing with heavy loads is understanding their weight and how the load is likely to behave when lifted off the ground. The weight of the load determines the cable types and strength you will use to rig it. If mistakes are made in weight estimation and matching with the right cables, the cables can snap mid-air, causing huge losses and even injuries. Additionally, heavy loads need to be secured very carefully to avoid falls. Finally, ensure that everyone clears off the area where the cargo lifting is taking place to avoid injuries and liabilities.

Checking the Weather Conditions

Rigging is one of the jobs that need excellent visibility. If the loads are massive and the distances are great, two or more people will need to communicate and coordinate the movement. It is advisable to operate in favourable sunny conditions because otherwise, the people working will not understand each other's signals, and the radio clarity could be poor. Also, rainy weather increases the risk of slip and fall accidents, issues with power lines and other safety problems. At the same time, note that excessive sunshine can affect visibility so ideally, arrange for the job to be done early in the morning before the sun gets hot.

Checking the Site for Other Hazards

Load control is the most essential bit about rigging. When the person operating the system understands balance, the process becomes safer. Before hiring someone to handle rigging jobs for you, it is advisable to check their experience and level of confidence in what they do. This will minimise the possibility of accidents and liabilities on site.

Finally, ensure that you order crane rigging equipment from trusted suppliers. When you have quality cables and competent people operating the site, the possibility of accidents reduces greatly. Take time and choose the best so that you can save time and money. For more information about rigging, contact a professional near you. 


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